Monday, 31 August 2009

On Saturday I went with Celia to the opening of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Textile exhibition at the Platform Gallery in Clitheroe. The pictures show the gallery and my piece as it is hung
there. Diana Barett and Linda Westerman also had pieces accepted for show. It was a really nice event. Celia and I had a good day out and found some interesting bargains in Clitheroe - not to mention a top up for the freezer from the sausage shop!!
Last night some of the Broderers demonstrated our work at an event in the Minster called 'Minster Nights'. Various volunteer groups and artists presented their work and there was also music, drama and 'Hidden Minster' tours. It was a very successful evening with a lot of people attending and much interest shown in our work.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

We had a meeting, or rather gathering, of Ebor yesterday. We went to Anna's new house in Kirbymoorside and all took a contribution for lunch - we dined extremely well! Later in the afternoon some of us went to the Ryedale Folk Museum at Hutton - le- Hole and took photos to assist us in creating new work for an exhibition we are to have there in November next year.
The locals look rather interested!!