Thursday, 14 January 2010


The sad news of the death of my friend Judy Murty came early this month. She had fought a hard battle admirably. Chris and I spoke at her funeral, me for the Embroiders Guild and Chris for the Dolly Birds. We also helped her family sort out her craft stash and managed to raise a respectable sum for the Hospice.

Attended the Volunteers' service at the Minster - a good turn out from the Broderers


Worked on a new frontal and pulpit fall for Garton - on - the - Wolds. This is to be a temporary white frontal to replace their lovely embroidered one, which is going to Jacqui Hyman for conservation and repair.

Shocked to hear of the sudden death of Maggie Judges, our Region Chairman and member of Diverse Threads. I knew Maggie well as she had been on the old NE Region Committee and had been my Vice Chair when the regions divided.

Had an enjoyable two days on a botannical illustration workshop with Bridgette Gillespie at Helmsley walled garden. A lot of time was spent recovering lost skills!

Kathy Troop , editor of Stitch magazine came to visit the Broderers to research for an article. Chris and I showed her round the Minster and she had lunch with us in the workroom. Not sure when the article will be published. I supplied the photographs so will be interested to see how they turn out.


My glass has been photographed by a friend's brother, who is producing a portfolio with the intention of becoming a professional. Above is the mirror I have painted and made for my bedroom.

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