Sunday, 17 January 2010

Whilst awaiting samples of braid to finish off the altar frontal, I have been getting on with a couple of other things.

Our next meeeting of Ebor is on February the 11th and our mentor will be there that day. I did say to her when last I saw her in November that I would have the piece I was working on finished! In fact it only got underway on Thursday - the sewing part that is. The glass has been finished sometime. It is a piece which is going to be called 'On a Cold Day', and is based on a photo I took of condensation on one of the panes of glass in my bedroom window. Because of the vertical nature of the glass design, I have had a few problems with the landscape design that goes behind it. However I took some photos of the trees opposite the front of the house during the snow and from those I have formed a simplified design which I think will work (fingers crossed - though perhaps not as it makes stitching difficult!). I have cut a lot of the fabric shapes and am ready to start stitching but I came to a standstill with that today because I am awaiting some thread arriving through the post, so on to another project I am behind with!

The York Dolly Birds have agreed to have a stand at the Jorvik Viking Fair in February as a result of one of our members, who is manager of the Yorkshire Museum, twisting our arms hard behind our backs. I sent to the USA for patterns for a matching man and woman doll and am part way through the woman doll. The dolls are to represent the underwater Norse gods, Aegir and Ran, who used to catch drowned sailors in their net to people their Kingdom. I have finally managed to attach the legs which were causing me a few problems so perhaps I can make swifter progress now.

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